Coda Tutorial for Planning & OKRs
Best practices

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Creating views to debug your key results

How to find abandoned, incomplete key results.
As people add key results during planning, inevitable something will go wrong. Key results will get added with critical information missing. In Coda, it is easy to use a view and a filter to find KRs that are abandoned or broken. This tutorial shows you how.

⭐ What you’ll get

A debugging dashboard.
A way to identify key results with missing drivers and objectives.

💼 What you’ll use


1. Build a debugging page.

Create a new page.
Name it OKRs debugging
Hide it so it doesn’t clutter your doc
Click on the three-dot menu next to the page
Select Hide from the drop down
Tip: In that same three dot menu you can bookmark the OKRs debugging page for yourself. This will make it top of your page list for easy access while you are in debugging mode.
Bookmark hidden debug page.png

2. Add view of your Key results table to find KRs without drivers.

On your new OKRs debugging page, type “/key results” to create a view of your Key results table.
Name the table KRs without a driver
Select the Filter option to the top right of the table.
Click the + Add filter button in the side menu that opens on the right.
Select Driver on the dropdown.
In the new menu, under Driver, change is any of to blank/not blank
Select is blank
Fliter for blank drivers.gif

3. Add another view of your key results without objectives.

On your new OKRs debugging page, type “/key results” to create a view of your Key results table.
Name the table KRs without objectives
Select the Filter option to the top right of the table.
Click the + Add filter button in the side menu that opens on the right.
Select Objectives on the dropdown.
In the new menu, under Objectives, change contains any of to blank/not blank
Select is blank

Now what?

Fixing these broken key results is easy — and oftentimes involves deleting them.
You could add more views for key results. For example, if you wish to have more rigor around metrics, you will probably have a metrics column and then create a view for all KRs that do not have metrics filled in. If there is a lot of missing metrics, you could set up a daily automation reminding people to add metrics via slack or email; as we have shown
You could also add similar debugging views for other tables, e.g. the objectives table. For tables that are short, it is often easier to just go through the table on the database page instead of creating a filtered view.
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