Coda Tutorial for Planning & OKRs

icon picker
Common problems and how to fix them

I want to edit the doc but cannot
The document is probably locked. In that case you would see a lock 🔒 icon at the top of the screen. You can unlock the document by clicking the lock 🔒 icon in the top right of the Coda screen. If you cannot unlock the document, you probably do not have document editor permission. You should request for editor permission, if you think it is necessary. See /_suVLN
Help! we lost data?! Someone deleted a row / a cell / a page / a table / ...
Don’t worry, this happens. If you just made a mistake, you can try hitting Undo (Ctrl-Z). If the mistake was made a while back or by someone else, still not a problem. Coda keeps track of every change done to the document. The solution depends on if the mistake was a row edit on a table or doc edit (anything that was not an edit to a row, including row deletions, edits on a page, table or page deletions, ...). If a doc edit took place, you’ll need to use revision history to recover any lost work. Determine when the doc edit took place. You may be able to learn of this from the individual who made the edit, but sometimes it does not become clear until later that the change happened. If you know the date that the change occurred, it should make it easier to find the doc version you want to restore. Navigate to the version history and find a version before the edit you wish to revert. Click the dropdown arrow next to your doc name, and choose Open doc history. Use This page to help narrow down which version you want to restore. Once you’ve found the page, you want to restore click Copy this version. In the copy of the doc, copy the lost elements onto your clipboard and paste them back to where they were. If you’d like to restore the entire doc reach out to support. If you need to recover data from a row edit, you’ll want to go to the row activity view to find what was changed and revert the changes. Read more here.
I added a KR or Objective, and cannot find it anymore
This is likely due to a filter is set on the table you are looking at, that filters out the row you added. If you have set filters, try clearing them. If that did not work, you can go the original table (in the hidden database page), make sure there are not filters set at that original table (or remove the filters - we built the doc in a way that there is not need for filters on the hidden database page). It should contain your row.
I want to edit the doc but cannot
The document is probably locked. In that case you would see a lock 🔒 icon at the top of the screen. You can unlock the document by clicking the lock 🔒 icon in the top right of the Coda screen. If you cannot unlock the document, you probably do not have document editor permission. You should request for editor permission, if you think it is necessary. See

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.