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Leaves of Absence

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Compassionate Leave

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What’s new? (Dec 2022)

This brand new benefit! We are introducing a Compassionate Leave policy. We believe employees should have access to paid time off for pivotal life events that may fall outside of traditional leaves (like parental or medical leaves).


Compassionate Leave Details

Time & Pay: 2 weeks of 100% pay (10 days)
Who’s eligible?: All Codans. There is no tenure requirement.
Effective date: January 1, 2023
Partnered vendor: N/A. This is Coda’s commitment to support employees during their time of need.
Guiding Principles: Compassionate Leave gives Codans the flexibility and privacy to determine their own priorities, rather than a rigid policy dictating which periods of life are 'important enough' to warrant time away from work. Examples include but not limited to bereavement, pet loss, mental health and legal proceedings.

We believe employees should have access to paid time off for pivotal life events that may fall outside of traditional leave types like parental and medical leaves. We believe it is important to empower our employees to make important life and self-care decisions privately and free from judgment or pressure.The following outlines our vision for how we will implement this important benefit in any instance when employees need it:
Employee Eligibility: All employees (full- and part-time, US and international) are eligible for this benefit regardless of their length of service with Coda.
Leave duration: Employees may take up to 2 weeks (10 days) of paid leave in a rolling-12 month period measured backward from the day any leave is sought. Leave can be taken intermittently in full-day increments.
Qualifying leave reasons (including, but not limited to):
Bereavement following the death of a loved one (family member, friend, close community member, pet)
Pregnancy loss / miscarriage or failed surrogacy, adoption, or infertility treatment
Abortion procedures, recovery, and related travel
Legal proceedings (e.g. custody hearings, legal components of gender affirmation, proceedings concerning incidents of sexual harassment or violence)
Acute mental health distress (e.g. partial hospitalization or residential treatment programs, hospitalizations, recovery from traumatic personal or social event, manic or depressive episodes)
Requesting compassionate leave: As the leave reasons may be sensitive in nature, we will limit employee disclosure of details regarding the reasons for compassionate leave. Employees seeking compassionate leave should inform their manager or company leadership that they will be absent for a reason covered by this policy (”I’m experiencing a qualifying reason and plan to use the compassionate leave policy from [X date] to [X date].”) and the team will work on supporting this transition. Once your manager is informed, please add the dates you’ll be out to this private form only shared with the People team: Compassionate Leave Form [link]
We realize employees requesting compassionate leave may have limited ability to predict the need for such leave. With that understanding, we ask employees to provide as much notice as they can under the circumstances. We also request that, to the extent possible, employees work with their manager or senior leadership to develop a transition and leave plan appropriate for their anticipated leave period.
Coordination of Benefits: When required by law, Coda will administer overlapping federal, state, or local paid and unpaid leave benefits concurrently with leave under this policy. However, given the purpose and goal of this policy, we are committed to doing so in a manner that reduces as much as possible any burden employees might have to complete leave paperwork and/or respond to information requests.

Please contact [email] if you have any questions.


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