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The Official 5-Day Design Sprint
The Official 5-Day Design Sprint
Set the stage
Sprint basics
Big challenge
Sprint team
Email Summary
Monday: Map
1. Introductions
2. Explain the sprint
3. Long-term goal
4. Sprint questions
5. Map
6. Lunch
7. Ask the experts
8. Target
Tuesday: Sketch
1. Lightning demos
2. Divide or swarm
3. Sketch
All Crazy 8's
All Solutions
4. Begin recruiting
Wednesday: Decide
1. Sticky decision
2. Rumble
3. Storyboard
Thursday: Prototype
1. Pick the right tools
2. Divide and conquer
3. Build the prototype
4. Do a trial run
5. Prepare for tomorrow
Friday: Test
1. Interviews
2. Take Notes
3. Make a plan
Tuesday: Sketch
A day focused on coming up with solutions....lots of them.
1. Lightning demos
2. Divide or swarm
3. Sketch
4. Begin recruiting
After a full day of understanding the problem and choosing a target for your sprint, on Tuesday, you get to focus on solutions.
The day starts with
: a review of existing ideas to remix and improve. Then, in the afternoon, each person will
, following a four-step process that emphasizes critical thinking over artistry. You’ll also begin planning Friday’s customer test by
customers that fit your target profile.
We hope you had a good night’s sleep and a balanced breakfast, because Tuesday is an important day.
Ready to get started?
Head to
1. Lightning demos
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