Here we use Stéph Cruchon’s . It’s clearer than what we described in , and it won’t drive you crazy!
A. Agree on 3 important elements
Who is the Target Client / User? If we detect a lack of alignment within the team, we start with a quick Persona exercice (don’t go in too much details, just to define a priority target) Beginning of the story: when does the target customer experience begin? End of the story: what is the goal we are trying to reach? B. Map alone, together
This starts with a 10-minutes individual exercise. Everyone creates a simple user journey, mapping the User’s experience (from her initial problem to the ‘goal,’ such as buying a product on the website). One action per card. Describe the current experience, as it is now, with all its flaws, not what you wish to create in the future
C. Tell your story & vote
Each person tells her story in 2 minutes max. Share your screen while you narrate.
After each presentation, vote as a group on the steps you find really interesting or important. Take 1 minute to discuss each story and to answer questions, if needed.
D. One big story
Then you’ll have to merge the stories together. It sounds hard but it’s not, as you’ll normally see converging patterns and you should have all the bricks to reconstitute one big story. (10 min max)
Here are all the steps that got votes in the previous step - decide which ones to include in the final map. Then, filter out the rest to show just the final customer journey map.