Since s get three supervotes, you sometimes end up with multiple winning sketches. When you have two good, conflicting ideas, you don’t have to choose between them. Instead, you can prototype both, and in , you’ll be able to see how each one fares with your customers. Your prototypes will battle head-to-head, like professional wrestlers whacking each other with folding chairs. We call this kind of test a rumble. If you think you can combine your winning sketches into one product, don’t bother with a rumble. Instead, put them together into your best shot at solving the problem. If you do decide to do a rumble, you get to create some fake brands using the note and vote method. Once your prototypes have their own distinct names and look, customers will be able to tell them apart.
Everyone cast your vote.
If chooses yes: continue on to . If chooses no: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get ready to rumble. Decide on a fake brand name with the exercise below. Rumble: Choose a fake brand name
Set the timer to 10 minutes and begin writing privately.
A. Write privately
Add ideas in the table below. This list won’t be shared with the group, so nobody has to worry about writing down dumb ideas.
B. Self-edit
Review your list and pick one or two favorites by checking “keep”. Individually. Quietly.
C. Vote privately
Upvote your favorite ideas in the table below. Authors and upvote counts are hidden to reduce groupthink, and each person gets votes.
D. Share & capture
One at a time, each person says out loud their vote(s). A short sales pitch may be permissible, but no changing your vote!
One by one, select each participant below to share their vote(s).
E. Decide
Who is the decider? She should make the final call — not the group. She can choose to respect the votes or not.