The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
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9. Employee Engagement

Foster the connection that employees feel towards their place of work and towards each other. Invest in your people so they can do their best work.

Problem: Great teams thrive on connection and most teams are not using the right tooling to make it happen.

In distributed and virtual work environments, it's harder than ever to keep employees engaged and motivated. Communication barriers, lack of face-to-face interaction, and limited opportunities for team building can all contribute to a sense of disconnection among employees. People teams must find creative and customizable ways to foster engagement and build connections to improve employee engagement and retention.

Solution: Coda is a flexible platform to drive any connective moment — big or small.

Coda is your end-to-end platform to ensure your people are engaged. Whether you use it to plan your annual company event, or generate an icebreaker to kick off your team meeting, Coda’s flexibility lets you customize the connection to the unique needs of your team. Build belonging on your teams and across your company with easy-to-use templates that drive inclusion and engagement.

Coda templates we’ll be highlighting:

Before you click open the template, let us walk you through them:

Solutions you’ve been looking for.

Event planning templates to managed like you’ve never before
Simple icebreaker Activities to bring you closer
Celebrate employees with a card
story arc:
connections big or small: start with big (event planning) to docs that connect teams (ice breaker bingo, mtv cribs) to celebrating individuals (cards)
Make building an engaging, inclusive environment a supportive and fun team sport

1. Unlock new growth through team gatherings, without hours of pre-work

With remote-flexible or remote-first policies at the forefront for many organizations, team building opportunities can take many forms. Gathering, in-person or virtually, is a lever for team and product growth and should be used thoughtfully. Whether events are driven by a central people function or you are equipping managers and team leads with the tools to drive their own, Coda is the right tool to take you from ideation, through planning and execution, to reflection. Take a look at the docs below for a few examples of how Coda can support gathering, and the growth you’re looking to enable.
Potential screenshots GIF to show the checklist + progress bar
Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 1.23.30 PM.png
A scroll through this page
Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 1.24.23 PM.png

2. Use simple, meaningful moments of delight to engage employees

Engaging your team isn’t just in the big moments like events, learning and action planning (though those are crucial, as evidenced by the use cases outlined in this doc). It’s also in the small moments of celebration and connection sprinkled throughout the day-to-day. The options are endless, but take a look at the docs below to see a few examples of how Coda can power your team’s moments of delight.

3. Make employees feel seen

Gone are the days where someone would purchase a card and pass it around for folks to sign. How are you going to do that when your team is distributed? At Coda, a popular doc we use to celebrate birthdays, weddings, babies and departures is the Group Card template.
It’s easy! Everyone adds a new message to their own row and using Card View, a beautiful doc is created.
Many have done their own take on i
The classic pre-set menu
Add your own pic to fit the theme
Here a bunch of examples
(ask people team to use actual cards as examples. birthdays, etc.)

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Problems with Employee Engagement and Connection for HR Teams

HR teams often struggle with employee engagement and connection. In today's remote work environment, it's harder than ever to keep employees engaged and motivated. Communication barriers, lack of face-to-face interaction, and limited opportunities for team building can all contribute to a sense of disconnection among employees. HR teams must find creative ways to foster engagement and build connections to improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Problem: Great teams strive on connection and most teams are not using the right tooling to make it happen.

All work and no play makes employees a dull, and arguably less effective, team. And that can impact the way they engage with one another and lead to burnout. When it comes to Employee Experience, the goal is to ensure we set employees up for success— both their growth and professional development, to their connection with one another as not just coworkers, but teammates. But how does one get started with this broad umbrella of employee experience? Organizing a company offsite takes time and effort and tools for team gatherings can be expensive and just another vendor name your employees need to remember.

Solution: Coda is the helping hand to pull off any team event— big or small.

Whether it’s a large off-site that require months of planning or smaller moments that bond coworkers over time, these templates make it easier for these magic moments to happen. Help your employees feel more engaged with the team by fostering moments of connection. When you invest in your people and make room for them to show up as themselves, work improves because they care about those around them.

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