Note: Populate the section with subpages, one for each Planning Team / Squad. To create a team page for crowdsourcing, duplicate the existing team pages and rename it. For each workshop, keep in mind the following process for determining objectives, key results, and initiatives:
Start with defining your team’s objective: The PM and TL should talk about what the team does today, who their user is and what the team has recently been focused on. Take notes on the page. Crowdsource ideas: Ask each person present to craft what they believe is a good, long term mission statement/objective for their team. Use the timer to timebox each round of crowdsourcing. Ask each participant to click the “I’m Done” button when they are finished (this allows you to see when everyone is done. Upvote Ideas: Clear the “I’m Done” table and ask the team to upvote 2-3 of their favorite ideas. Keep the vote count hidden and make sure sorting is disabled. Once upvoting is complete, reveal the upvotes column and sort by this column so that the highest voted ideas are at the top. Talk through the top 2-3 ideas and open the floor to thoughts. If the winner seems clear, reveal the “Winner” column and mark the Winner. If consensus cannot be reached within 10 or so minutes, the PM and TL should sidebar and make a decision on the Winner. Key Results: Use the same process as above with the following differences Each participant should contribute no more than four ideas Once ideas are collected, deduplicate any obvious duplicates Un-hide the Group column and use this to group submitted ideas by similar theme Then open up the team to voting and use the rest of the process described above Initiatives: Use the same process for Objective and Key Results.