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The ultimate OKR toolkit for product marketers by Product Marketing Alliance
Product adoption

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Time taken to complete action

In-product actions like how long it takes to set up a social media ad, how long it takes to enter in a contact in a CRM, create a roadmap, etc.
In terms of remedies, there’s lots you can do to reduce the time it takes people to complete certain tasks and just a couple include things like an in-app walk-through showing people how to complete the task at hand, a ‘how to’ video, or, if you have the resource, one-on-one demos.
Time to action for different features
Before education campaign
After education campaign
Difference (time saved)
Setup a social media ad
5 mins
4 mins
1 min
Create contact in CRM
3 mins
2 mins
1 min
Export a report from your platform
10 mins
5 mins
5 mins
There are no rows in this table

Add Time taken to complete an action to your OKRs
Key Result
Time frame
Reduce time to export a report from platform from 10 min to 5 min
No results from filter

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