💡 Tip: Think of this as the tl;dr of the project. If you only had 30 seconds to summarize the project, what would you say?
💡 Tip: This section should answer the question, "What are we doing?"
💡 Tip: A strong objective statement answers the questions, "Why are we doing this?” Think about the key strategy implications of this project. This is usually some combination of (i) increasing revenue (ii) reducing costs (iii) reducing risk (iv) reducing effort/increasing efficiency.
💡 Tip: This should answer the question: “What does success look like?" Preferably SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely). Include qualitative measures and quantitative metrics you will observe to gauge impact and efficacy. Also include any explicit non-goals.
💡 Tip: Include core team members who will be critical to the success of the project. The below are example functions but feel free to include whatever teams/capabilities your specific project will require.
💡 Tip: This should change infrequently through the execution of the project. Refer back to this when issues/concerns arise to ensure consistency and accountability throughout.