Episode #006
Title: Basement Clubbing
Podcast intro text:
Jacob had to bleep words for the first time. Daniel regrets saying 'super easy math'. Both think of more cool things to code.
Daniel - Apologies for my audio on previous episode Theodore - Sound Engineer friend shout out Worth noting that Toggl stops a previous timer automatically when starting a new timer. E/N/D Gauge - Turns out math is hard… Jacob mention the lulz image 💬Discussions
Why do time tracking/benefits Time Tracking: Defining your time tracking language Instant feedback/useful features requests Building and adding features after small initial release Useful to see what people like/dislike 🏁Wrap up
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Coda planning doc screenshot
[Daniel’s energy chart tweet](https://twitter.com/vandermerwed/status/1102594671581253632)
Daniel watch Autosleep
Daniel watch Autowake
[Autosleep iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/autosleep-tracker-for-watch/id1164801111?mt=8)
[Autowake iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/autowake-smart-sleep-alarm/id1279650551?mt=8)
Coda voting screenshot
[Daniel’s energy tracker]() [Jacob’s soon-to-be-sad personal dashboard]() [Calculator can’t divide by zero]() [First Thursdays South Africa](https://first-thursdays.co.za/)