@#2: What was that book?
Episode #002
Title: What was that book?
Podcast intro text:
Jacob has flashbacks of cold showers in university days. Daniel is preparing to run (or crawl) 29km. Both are worried about what Goodreads makes of their reading habits.
Things we learned from the previous episode (and podcasting). The every day Calendar () 💬Discussions
Health and fitness (maybe, not sold on it too much) Insert in post: 🎵 *Jingle* 🎵 Roll ad - Sponsor: RP (Blurb 2)😋. 🏁Wrap up
Insert in post: Cold end like Cortex & HI. 📢Advertisement Copy
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Relatively Productive is a new podcast all about… Actually, we don’t even know what it’s about yet! So let’s find out together!
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📑Show notes
We talk about self-help books, daily goals, fitness, being anonymous online.
[The Every Day Calendar](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/simonegiertz/the-every-day-calendar)
[Simone Giertz, actually Swedish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Giertz)
[The Tim Ferriss Show](https://tim.blog/podcast/)
[The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monk_Who_Sold_His_Ferrari)
[The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People](http://www.bra.org/wp-content/uploads/guide-plastic-garbagebag.jpg)
[Discovery Vitality](https://www.discovery.co.za/vitality/active-rewards)