@#5: The Time Tracking Extravaganza
Episode #005
Title: The Time Tracking Extravaganza
Podcast intro text:
Daniel needs code to tell him how he is feeling. Jacob is a ‘data guy’ and likes hoarding personal data. Both share some valuable tips and tricks for time tracking.
Coda launched a mobile app and open registrations 💬Discussions
Why do time tracking/benefits 🏁Wrap up
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📑Show notes
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[The Existential Crisis Simulator]() [Daniel’s river of time]()
[A tracked day in the life of Jacob]()
[Jacob’s start specific timer Shortcut - blogpost]() [Jacob’s stop currently running timer Shortcut](https://jcpretorius.com/share/Stop%20Running%20Timer.shortcut)
[Jacob’s check specific tracked time Shortcut - blogpost]() [Jacob’s Webtask for sleeping in](https://github.com/jacobpretorius/toggl-sleeping-in)
[Jacob’s Webtask to track daily goal](https://github.com/jacobpretorius/toggl-track-daily-goal)
[Daniel’s one Shortcut to rule them all based on this one by Federico Viticci](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/a52c38640e7142df93d07f356d559be5)
[Daniel’s Webtasks](https://github.com/vandermerwed/Webtask)
[Launch Center Pro](https://contrast.co/launch-center-pro/)
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