Salesforce + Coda... The ultimate experience for your team!
In this doc, we’ve put together a number of different pages and views powered by the Salesforce pack to display the different use cases where it can be used.
What is the value of Salesforce + Coda?
You’ll be able to leverage this doc as your single source of truth when cross collaborating with different teams. Using Coda will provide easy visibility for everyone on the team (including those who don’t have a Salesforce license). While Salesforce is the source for much of the data, Coda allows collaboration, discussion, and planning for a course of action. With two-way sync, all your data stays up-to-date; changes you make within Coda will be pushed back to Salesforce at the touch of a button. No more hopping between open Salesforce tabs — everything lives in one place!
How do I get started?
Make a copy
of this doc and link your Salesforce pack to insert your data. You can sync in reports to form the base tables.
Review this intro guide to learn how to access the Salesforce pack, sync reports, and create action buttons.
: multiple options for viewing account and opportunity revenue, grouped in different ways. Find the pages that suit your team best, and delete any you do not need!
Each base table has its own page, and no filtering or modifications. Keeping the data in this form makes it easy to add columns, functionality, and to view everything.
How does it work?
Look for the:
dropdown on every page to learn more about the mechanics for each page!