Make sure your product clearly shows which functionality can and can’t be used offline. Try to make components work offline as much as possible. Make it clear when information may be outdated.
Ex: Do students need reliable wifi at home? If the school doesn’t provide hotspots, do teachers know which functionality can or can’t be used?
Make sure your product (and any required student accounts) can be easily accessed across any type of device.
Ex: Do students need access to devices at home? Do they need to log into their student account? Can your product be accessed on parents’ mobile devices or on the web? Ex: if students need to download an app to their phone, and a child needs to use the product for several hours on a regular basis, students without personal devices probably won’t use it.
Provide resources for parents that schools can distribute.
Ex: Is it easy for parents to understand how to access your product at home? Will students need help to use your product?