Sales team hub

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Our tools & processes

A central space to keep track of your main tools and process docs.
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How to use step-by-step:
Click the blue Add a tool button below to add a new tool or resource to the table.
Fill in the name, URL, description, etc.
Have your team click the I like it star button to indicate that they find the tool/resource useful.
Click on the “Name” or “Description” dropdowns above the table to filter for specific words in those columns.

Add a tool
Tools & processes
I like it
Our go-to place for team updates
Adam Davis
Feature request dashboard
Where we capture great feature ideas
Lola Tseudonym
Design Resources
Brand assets, logos, and specs
Buck Dubois
Rituals of Great Teams (Lenny’s Podcast)
Spotify podcast about team rituals
Alan Chowansky
All-in-one platform for docs, spreadsheets, and apps
Justin Hales
Chat messaging
Justin Hales
Add Name Here
Add description here
Toni Watt
There are no rows in this table

Slack etiquette

First, use appropriate language and tone in all messages. Avoid using slang, profanity, or offensive language. Second, keep messages concise and to the point. Avoid sending long messages that may be difficult for others to read and understand. Third, use channels appropriately. Channels should be used for specific topics or projects to avoid clutter and confusion. Fourth, respect others' time and avoid sending messages outside of business hours unless it is urgent. Finally, use the thread feature when replying to a specific message to keep conversations organized and easy to follow. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure effective and professional communication on Slack in a large company.

Time off

We value the importance of taking time off to recharge and rejuvenate. Our vacation policy is designed to provide employees with ample time to relax and spend time with loved ones.
Full-time employees are eligible for four weeks of paid vacation per year, which accrues throughout the year. In addition, we offer paid holidays and personal days to provide flexibility for employees to take time off when they need it.
We encourage our employees to take advantage of their vacation time and disconnect from work during their time off

Meeting culture

A good meeting culture should prioritize efficiency, productivity, and inclusivity. Meetings should have a clear agenda and defined goals, and participants should come prepared and engaged. Everyone should be given the opportunity to speak and share their ideas, and the meeting should be structured in a way that encourages constructive discussion and decision-making. It is important to avoid unnecessary meetings and to keep them as short as possible. Additionally, follow-up actions and outcomes should be clearly communicated and tracked to ensure progress is made. Overall, a good meeting culture fosters collaboration, accountability, and a sense of shared purpose within the company.

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Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.