7 min read

Sync guide

Sync everything into Coda. And back out again.

You work all over. You switch between tabs and tasks. Your brain hurts. And my brain hurts just thinking about your context switching. Coda’s ecosystem of integrations lets you bring all your applications into a unified space for your team, giving you access to the content you need, wherever you need it. Everywhere you work can be connected to everywhere else. Think of it like a network of hubs where you can reference all your team’s content, make edits, and work from any place. But not all content is the same: that’s why Coda has multiple methods of syncing. Some info you want to connect already lives in Coda; some does not. Sometimes you may want to display data as-is; other times you may want to sync the data but change how its displayed. The graph below illustrates all your syncing options, organized by where the content is coming from and what you want to do with it. This guide dives deep into each of these syncing options, helping you decide which option is best for your use cases.

What’s in this guide:

You’ll get...
  • An understanding of syncing data in and out of Coda
  • An understanding of how Coda uses embeds
You’ll use...
  • Canvas embed
  • Full-page embed
  • Pack sync tables
  • Sync page
  • Cross-doc

1. Connecting Coda content across docs.

When you have content that lives in Coda but needs to be used or referenced in multiple places, consider the following options.
A note on terminology
When you add content into another doc, we’ll call it the container doc and the doc you’re adding content from is called the source doc.

Canvas embeds

Canvas embeds are embedded pieces of content within or alongside the other content of your page. In this case, you can embed Coda pages from another doc. (Fun fact: you can also use canvas embeds for 3rd party content! Learn more here.) The big benefits to a canvas embed are that they...
  • Can live on the same page as other tables and content, allowing you to add other context with your embed pages.
  • Are easy to implement.
  • Maintain all formatting.
Consider for
  • Syncing pages from company docs into team docs and adding context about why the page is relevant/how its used.
  • Users who do not have permission to view the source doc will not be able to see the embed.
  • Embed frame is smaller than the page width, making it obvious it is am embed from another doc.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Embedding useful docs into an onboarding guide.
  • Embed a proposal into a discussion doc.
Learn more about canvas embeds here.


Cross-doc allows you to easily pull in tables from other Coda docs so that you can annotate, review, or reference them as needed. They support two-way sync, allowing you to edit a table from any doc it’s synced in. You can edit, add, or delete rows, and those changes will sync back to the source table. You can also pre-filter the set of rows and columns you’d like to Cross-doc from your source table, so only the relevant information is synced.
A note on terminology
When working with Cross-doc, it’s helpful to think of your original table and doc as your source doc and source table, and your new doc and table as the sync doc and sync table.
Cross doc tables...
  • Sync table data between docs.
  • Can have different view and edit permissions between docs.
  • Support two-way sync for editing, adding, and deleting rows.
Consider for
  • Any case where the information in a table needs to be referenced in multiple docs or edited in multiple places.
  • Data that needs to be secure and not slow down a doc—cross-doc filters let you specify which rows and columns to sync in.
  • Changes made in the source table can only be automatically synced to all source tables either daily or hourly. They can, however, be manually synced at any time.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Syncing your team’s OKRs into your team hub from your org-wide doc.
  • Central task table across many projects/clients.

Sync pages

Sync pages look like any other page in Coda, but they’re actually Coda pages that live within other docs. You might do this if you want to see an OKR dashboard in your team meeting doc, a PRD in your Engineering hub, or your brand guidelines in your marketing launch doc. Sync pages...
  • Can live in multiple docs.
  • Are easy to implement.
  • Maintain same size as any Coda page and all formatting.
There are two types of sync pages:

Sync pages with source doc permissions

By default, sync pages inherit the permissions of the of the original doc. This means if you have access to the original doc, you will see the sync page. If you do not, you will see your access denied. These sync pages allow two-way edits that sync instantly, so users who have permissions to edit the original doc can also make edits in the sync page.

Consider for
  • Bringing pages from company docs into team docs.
  • Situations where real-time sync is a priority.
  • Users must have access to the source doc to be able to see the sync page.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Adding project tracker to your one-on-one doc.

Sync pages with access controls

Access controls allow you to grant access to sync pages without granting access to the source doc. Do note, this will make the sync page view only for all parties, regardless of their editing ability in the source doc.
Consider for
  • Granting a broader audience access to a page or page with subpages of a doc, without granting access to the entire source doc.
  • Turning on access controls makes the sync page view-only for everyone in the container doc, even if they have edit access to the source or container doc. The source doc will, however, remain editable.
  • At this time, access is limited to view-only. Edit access will be supported at a later date.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Sharing the dashboard page of an account plan with a customer.
  • Sharing the overview page from a project doc with the company.
Learn more about sync pages here and get some inspiration from the video below:

When syncing isn't the right option
If you wish to transfer content from another Coda document without syncing edits between the two, consider copying the content instead of syncing it. Learn how here.

Selecting the right option for your use case.

Feeling overwhelmed by all the ways to sync Coda content? Don't worry, this flowchart is here to rescue you from decision fatigue!

2. Connecting Coda docs and other apps.

Make Coda the ultimate destination for all your company's needs by integrating content from other platforms within your toolset. We provide three different methods to do this:

Canvas embeds

Canvas embeds are embedded pieces of content within or alongside the other content of your page. In this case, you can embed third-party apps like Figma or Mode. The big benefits to a canvas embed is that they...
  • Can live on the same page as other tables and content, allowing you to add other context with your embed content.
  • Are easy to implement.
  • Maintains all formatting.
Consider for
  • Times you want to add context about why you’ve included something or how to use it.
  • Showcasing a visual asset alongside contextual content.
  • Editing will often require opening the tool into a separate tab to access full functionality.
  • Embed frame is smaller than the page width, making it obvious it is an embed from another doc and limiting view size.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Adding slides in a two-way write-up.
  • Adding helpful visuals, like a flowchart or a design mock.
  • Having a playable video within a write-up, from Loom or YouTube.
Learn more about 3rd party canvas embeds here.

Full-page embed

Full-page embeds allow you bring in third-party apps as pages into single doc. The content still lives in the original app, but now you and your team can engage with that content right from your Coda doc. In addition to bringing your favorite tools into Coda, full-page embeds...
  • Are easy to implement.
  • Maintain all formatting.
  • Maintain full size.
  • Keep the familiar interface because you interact directly with the embedded tool (e.g. Google Sheets).
  • Reduce the need for a bunch of tab hopping.
Consider for
  • Displaying content that lives in another app, exactly as it appears in that app.
  • Displaying docs or sheets that you are not ready to move into Coda.
  • Some apps don’t allow editing via embeds. If users need to edit, they will need to open into a new tab.
  • Note: some embeds that do allow edits directly in Coda include Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Miro.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Things like pulling in a Figma design into your Design Team Hub.
  • Miro board into your Product Team Hub.
Learn more about full-page embeds here and get some inspiration from the video below:

Packs sync tables

Packs two-way sync adds the ability to pull in third-party data as a Coda table. Then, you can make and sync changes in the third party tool right from your doc. That means your issues in Jira, your contacts in Salesforce, or your cells in Google Sheets are not just visible in Coda, but editable. Packs tables...
  • Allow for easier cross-team collaboration.
  • Can be tied to workflows and automations.
  • Help consolidate seats across tools.
  • Can link live data from other tools to data in Coda, e.g. relating JIRA issues to larger parent initiatives being managed in Coda.
Consider for
  • Bringing data into a Coda table for further visualization or analysis.
  • Providing users who do not have seats or access to the source tool with visibility into the data stored there.
  • Changes made in the 3rd party platform can only be automatically synced into Coda every hour. They can, however, be manually synced at any time.
An icon of person at the center of a hub of information
  • Bringing Jira issues into a team meeting doc,
  • Syncing in salesforce data to account plans.
Learn more about packs tables here.

Selecting the right sync for your use case

Selecting which sync is right for your use case doesn't have to be daunting. Get ready to breeze through the process with this simple flowchart.

3. Not enough? Consolidate your tools and migrate to Coda.

Maybe you have decided that, instead of syncing, you need to break up with your old tool. You’ll remember it (fondly?), but Coda can fully replace it. Time to migrate to Coda using one of our importers. Coda’s importers transfer information, data, and whole workspaces from tools like Confluence, Notion, and Google Sheets. Check out more information on the importers with the below links: Don’t see what you need in the above list? This general importing help article might help. If you’re considering a large migration (e.g., lots of data and at least 10 users) into Coda, please contact our sales team to learn more about our migration program.

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