Engagement Survey Reflection Templates
Team Reflection Templates

icon picker
Theme Reflections + AI


Choose themes your team should reflect on and fill in the “Themes” table below. Encourage your team to add their reflections, “heart” what resonates with them, and flag which topics they’d like to discuss live in the meeting.

Thanks to for the template!

AI Summary

The team had cross-functional success but struggled with ambiguity. They reflected on the team’s strategy and executed well but struggled with decision-making and shifting priorities. Reflections on Impact suggest a need for better communication and alignment on goals, metrics, and success criteria. The team identified a need for better communication with partners and community and more focus on education and how-tos for users to learn Coda. They also reflected on lots of learning and the value of customer and partner input. (60 words)


Average Grade
AI Summary
There are no rows in this table

1. Reflect - 15 minutes

My reflections
What went well
What didn't go well
Q2 changes
Great way to see cross-functional efforts and activities.
Many changes in the team, it was hard to understand who was doing what.
Stick to the plan/priority for at least 2 quarters, great things take months to build.
The X project had a lot of moving pieces but we were able to centralize them toward the current goal, which is an impressive feat!
We ended up with too many projects which was convoluting our strategy and creating a lot of confusion on the team about what our central goal is.
Keep the strategy top of mind so we don’t fall into the trap of doing too much again.
The goal of XXX likely needs more communication.
Align on the targets at the beginning of the quarter and review them weekly with the whole team to create accountability.
The sheer amount of assets created for X is really impressive. The team felt more productive than we’ve ever been.
We took on so many ideas that it caused delays when we couldn’t complete certain central pieces.
Define all assets needed early in the quarter and stick to the deliverable list.
We’re moving fast! Love to see that once something gets prioritized, we make decisions fast and we get it done.
Hard to execute something if it’s not prioritized. With the X project, it never really moved because we were not aligned on priorities.
Be more intentional on priorities and only execute what we’re sure will get prioritized in the next we months.
Not sure we can effectively measure the impact yet.
Weekly slack/email updates with 3 simple metrics to help us understand if this is working?
Even though we had some hiccups in the beginning, we ultimately came together as a team once everyone was aligned on strategy and marching orders.
It took us about x weeks to find our footing and we ultimately had to push the launch.
Need clear decision makers defined to push projects forward.
We have an all star cast! Lots of motivated experts on this program.
Took about a month to get teams formed, stormed, etc. Progress hindered by lack of clarity in how each person contributes to the program.
None — my hope is we’ve gone through the tough part of team formation, and are ready to rock in Q2.
Felt like we got to a good place with Y definition, especially as Y rolled out.
Lots of churn (especially in the field) on definition of Y, expected results, timelines.
Reduce the number of pairwise projects, and build a more consistent approach based on learnings from the initial project.
We shipped! And very proud of the work we did with Y in particular.
Given the team challenges early-quarter, and aggressive milestones — felt a bit chaotic re: execution.
Less but better. Find ways to close ranks on activities that are actually moving numbers, vs. highly generative efforts.
Starting to see Z traction with key channels like influencers, communities, events. Also great to see early versions of Z dashboards.
Given delay in execution, results are still lagging. Also while dashboards are good start, still feel a bit narrow to asset and miss the bigger story.
Better cadence around scorecards within our team and in the field.
Lots of learning!
Never too much learning.
Ritualize the process a bit more around learnings (related to our scorecarding)?
Once it was clear what to build the team came out roaring fast.
We keep moving and fits and starts, we complete something and then enter a waiting period while figuring out what to build next.
Faster decisions so more time is spent designing/building and less figuring out what to even do.
We tried biting off too much at once. The last few months have felt incredibly taxing emotionally, mentally, and physically. I think the entire team felt that.
I might suggest going forward we bite off only what we can chew and avoid context switching. For example, could we work on 3-5 things at a time and finish them in a week vs working on 20 things at a time for an entire month?
I wish we had better collateral and support for the Customers team at launch. We should prioritize that in the next iteration.
Reducing the number of projectss in flight was definitely the right decision!
Go from “We built it” to “This is starting to work”
Early signals are very positive, although we are still early in the X project.
We cross-pollinated tons of ideas across workstreams and I never felt short of support from my immediate team or cross-functional partners, as well as external thought partners.
Cognitive overwhelm with many slack channels and forums that discussed important and interesting, but not urgent priorities, that may have spread us thin and increased ambiguity of priorities for the quarter.
Partner early with the customers team as they have really great insight into real-word scenarios that can help ease GTM traction.
Connecting insightful content (3 reasons blog) with implementation assets (templates)
Making it easy for users to navigate between insight content & implementation assets from different entrypoints
Guidance to be as specific as we can about our target audience and sales motion for content development
The customers team, customers and external thought partners make up a mighty braintrust, especially when nurtured over time and attuned to conversations already happening in slack or Gong.
Closely partnering with customers team for sales project y. Pre vs post partnering with customers team is night and day - discovery and insights from customer calls are essential in crafting the right narrative for a given project y.
Not partnering with customers team early on.
Continue close partnership with customers team, highly recommend other Xs to collaborate closely with key folks on customers team.
Getting feedback from real customers to iterate on messaging and templates
Not doing it earlier in the process.
Identify ~5 customers/key accounts and better systemize feedback cycle
Centering syncs with stakeholders
Not prioritizing feedback from customers instead of internal
Systemize external feedback cycle
Good progress on lots of foundational work for a solution we had very little insights into. Validating that there’s a significant opportunity for coda for sales
We formed a new team amidst a lot of company changes and had an ambitious charter! Folks also were very open to feedback and took a “we’re all figuring this out together” attitude.
Needed clearer decision making process and less cooks in the kitchen on some things.
Strategy is clear, but haven’t seen strong movement yet.
Ensure that SMEs are brought into the X process early to provide their recommendations
There are no rows in this table
Done reflecting

2. Review Reflections - 15 minutes

All Reflections

What went well
What didn't go well
Q2 changes
Great way to see cross-functional efforts and activities.
Many changes in the team, it was hard to understand who was doing what.
Stick to the plan/priority for at least 2 quarters, great things take months to build.
Even though we had some hiccups in the beginning, we ultimately came together as a team once everyone was aligned on strategy and marching orders.
It took us about x weeks to find our footing and we ultimately had to push the launch.
Need clear decision makers defined to push projects forward.
We have an all star cast! Lots of motivated experts on this program.
Took about a month to get teams formed, stormed, etc. Progress hindered by lack of clarity in how each person contributes to the program.
None — my hope is we’ve gone through the tough part of team formation, and are ready to rock in Q2.
We cross-pollinated tons of ideas across workstreams and I never felt short of support from my immediate team or cross-functional partners, as well as external thought partners.
Cognitive overwhelm with many slack channels and forums that discussed important and interesting, but not urgent priorities, that may have spread us thin and increased ambiguity of priorities for the quarter.
Partner early with the customers team as they have really great insight into real-word scenarios that can help ease GTM traction.
Centering syncs with stakeholders
Not prioritizing feedback from customers instead of internal
Systemize external feedback cycle
We formed a new team amidst a lot of company changes and had an ambitious charter! Folks also were very open to feedback and took a “we’re all figuring this out together” attitude.
Needed clearer decision making process and less cooks in the kitchen on some things.
The X project had a lot of moving pieces but we were able to centralize them toward the current goal, which is an impressive feat!
We ended up with too many projects which was convoluting our strategy and creating a lot of confusion on the team about what our central goal is.
Keep the strategy top of mind so we don’t fall into the trap of doing too much again.
Felt like we got to a good place with Y definition, especially as Y rolled out.
Lots of churn (especially in the field) on definition of Y, expected results, timelines.
Reduce the number of pairwise projects, and build a more consistent approach based on learnings from the initial project.
Reducing the number of projectss in flight was definitely the right decision!
Go from “We built it” to “This is starting to work”
Guidance to be as specific as we can about our target audience and sales motion for content development
Strategy is clear, but haven’t seen strong movement yet.
Ensure that SMEs are brought into the X process early to provide their recommendations
The sheer amount of assets created for X is really impressive. The team felt more productive than we’ve ever been.
We took on so many ideas that it caused delays when we couldn’t complete certain central pieces.
Define all assets needed early in the quarter and stick to the deliverable list.
We’re moving fast! Love to see that once something gets prioritized, we make decisions fast and we get it done.
Hard to execute something if it’s not prioritized. With the X project, it never really moved because we were not aligned on priorities.
Be more intentional on priorities and only execute what we’re sure will get prioritized in the next we months.
We shipped! And very proud of the work we did with Y in particular.
Given the team challenges early-quarter, and aggressive milestones — felt a bit chaotic re: execution.
Less but better. Find ways to close ranks on activities that are actually moving numbers, vs. highly generative efforts.
Once it was clear what to build the team came out roaring fast.
We keep moving and fits and starts, we complete something and then enter a waiting period while figuring out what to build next.
Faster decisions so more time is spent designing/building and less figuring out what to even do.
We tried biting off too much at once. The last few months have felt incredibly taxing emotionally, mentally, and physically. I think the entire team felt that.
I might suggest going forward we bite off only what we can chew and avoid context switching. For example, could we work on 3-5 things at a time and finish them in a week vs working on 20 things at a time for an entire month?
Getting feedback from real customers to iterate on messaging and templates
Not doing it earlier in the process.
Identify ~5 customers/key accounts and better systemize feedback cycle
The goal of XXX likely needs more communication.
Align on the targets at the beginning of the quarter and review them weekly with the whole team to create accountability.
Not sure we can effectively measure the impact yet.
Weekly slack/email updates with 3 simple metrics to help us understand if this is working?
Starting to see Z traction with key channels like influencers, communities, events. Also great to see early versions of Z dashboards.
Given delay in execution, results are still lagging. Also while dashboards are good start, still feel a bit narrow to asset and miss the bigger story.
Better cadence around scorecards within our team and in the field.
Early signals are very positive, although we are still early in the X project.
Connecting insightful content (3 reasons blog) with implementation assets (templates)
Making it easy for users to navigate between insight content & implementation assets from different entrypoints
Good progress on lots of foundational work for a solution we had very little insights into. Validating that there’s a significant opportunity for coda for sales
Lots of learning!
Never too much learning.
Ritualize the process a bit more around learnings (related to our scorecarding)?
The customers team, customers and external thought partners make up a mighty braintrust, especially when nurtured over time and attuned to conversations already happening in slack or Gong.
Closely partnering with customers team for sales project y. Pre vs post partnering with customers team is night and day - discovery and insights from customer calls are essential in crafting the right narrative for a given project y.
Not partnering with customers team early on.
Continue close partnership with customers team, highly recommend other Xs to collaborate closely with key folks on customers team.
I wish we had better collateral and support for the Customers team at launch. We should prioritize that in the next iteration.
Done reviewing

3. Discuss topics - 20 minutes

What went well
What didn't go well
Q2 changes
Closely partnering with customers team for sales project y. Pre vs post partnering with customers team is night and day - discovery and insights from customer calls are essential in crafting the right narrative for a given project y.
Not partnering with customers team early on.
Continue close partnership with customers team, highly recommend other Xs to collaborate closely with key folks on customers team.
Centering syncs with stakeholders
Not prioritizing feedback from customers instead of internal
Systemize external feedback cycle
We cross-pollinated tons of ideas across workstreams and I never felt short of support from my immediate team or cross-functional partners, as well as external thought partners.
Cognitive overwhelm with many slack channels and forums that discussed important and interesting, but not urgent priorities, that may have spread us thin and increased ambiguity of priorities for the quarter.
Partner early with the customers team as they have really great insight into real-word scenarios that can help ease GTM traction.
Getting feedback from real customers to iterate on messaging and templates
Not doing it earlier in the process.
Identify ~5 customers/key accounts and better systemize feedback cycle
Not sure we can effectively measure the impact yet.
Weekly slack/email updates with 3 simple metrics to help us understand if this is working?
I wish we had better collateral and support for the Customers team at launch. We should prioritize that in the next iteration.
Even though we had some hiccups in the beginning, we ultimately came together as a team once everyone was aligned on strategy and marching orders.
It took us about x weeks to find our footing and we ultimately had to push the launch.
Need clear decision makers defined to push projects forward.
Felt like we got to a good place with Y definition, especially as Y rolled out.
Lots of churn (especially in the field) on definition of Y, expected results, timelines.
Reduce the number of pairwise projects, and build a more consistent approach based on learnings from the initial project.
We formed a new team amidst a lot of company changes and had an ambitious charter! Folks also were very open to feedback and took a “we’re all figuring this out together” attitude.
Needed clearer decision making process and less cooks in the kitchen on some things.
Strategy is clear, but haven’t seen strong movement yet.
Ensure that SMEs are brought into the X process early to provide their recommendations
No results from filter

4. Decide next steps / commitments - 10 minutes

Have the team add action plans or commitments based on the topics in the table, or add new ones, and then vote on which ones they’d like to have the team commit to. You can also decide to create a whole new voting table for this step.
Q2 changes
Commitment for Next Quarter
Vote to Commit
Continue close partnership with customers team, highly recommend other Xs to collaborate closely with key folks on customers team.
Systemize external feedback cycle
Partner early with the customers team as they have really great insight into real-word scenarios that can help ease GTM traction.
Identify ~5 customers/key accounts and better systemize feedback cycle
Weekly slack/email updates with 3 simple metrics to help us understand if this is working?
Need clear decision makers defined to push projects forward.
Reduce the number of pairwise projects, and build a more consistent approach based on learnings from the initial project.
Ensure that SMEs are brought into the X process early to provide their recommendations
No results from filter

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