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Problem Definition

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PM Lead
Tech Lead
Design Lead
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Project Name
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Day in the life

Write a short story about how the user will use and benefit from this feature in a way that anyone can understand. The goal is to be able to articulate in human, real-world terms, how this feature will actually be used (e.g., “Susan is walking down the street, an alert goes off on her phone. She sees that there is a delivery delay....”)

The Problem

Describe the problem you're trying to solve (customer need) or opportunity you're pursuing; Who is the intended audience? What are key user insights? Competitive insights? Why is this important? What Key Result will this initiative drives?

Solution Hypothesis

Provide a summary of how you intend to approach the problem; what aspects of the problem are you focused on? what aspects are you not focused on? What types of solutions are you considering (include low fidelity mocks if appropriate)?;

Competitive Solutions

What if any competitive solutions exist and why are they insufficient?

Key Trade Offs & Decisions

Were there any alternatives considered? Which key decisions have been taken?

Ops Requirements

[detail requirements and coordination plan for the ops team]

Fast Follows

Identified user stories or features to be developed following initial launch

Unique Advantages

Why are we uniquely capable of solving X? What do we have that others don’t?

Revenue / GMV / Cost Structure and Projections

How are we going to make money and how much? What will it cost to build, market and maintain this feature?

Research & Experiment Plan

What aspects of this initiative need further research and customer validation? What is the plan for testing assumptions? Usability labs?

Success Criteria

How will the impact of this feature be measured? Will we do a 30-day impact analysis? The following are examples only
Target Value
Description (optional)
KP1 3
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What are potential threats to achieving success? Are there external or legal risks to consider? ?
+ ethical considerations
value risk (whether customers will buy it or users will choose to use it
usability risk (whether users can figure out how to use it)
feasibility risk (whether our engineers can build what we need with the time, skills and technology we have)
business viability risk (whether this solution also works for the various aspects of our business)
ethical considerations (Should we build this? What is the impact on restaurants, suppliers, the environment and our community

Reviewer Acknowledgement

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Created on
8/7/2020, 8:22 PM
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