How did others capture this opportunity / solve this problem?
Potential solutions directions
What are some high-level solution directions to explore to capture this opportunity / solve this problem?
Describe potential solutions through short descriptions or high-level sketches / low-fi prototypes (no implementation details at this stage).
Compare the high-level solution directions (e.g. through impact vs. complexity using high-level T-shirt sizing estimates in days, weeks, months).
Step 2: Solution framing
Proposed solution
What is the scope of the proposed solution?
What are the key features?
How difficult will it be to realize the solution?
Why proposed solutions were rejected
Provide context for why this solution was chosen over the others.
Include links to user research, customer data, etc.
Out of scope
What is not in the scope of the proposed solution?
Dependencies, risks, and mitigating factors
What are the dependencies?
What are the risks associated with the solution (e.g. compliance, legal, privacy, security, strategic risk, operational, infrastructure stability/scaling risk, etc.) and the mitigating factors?