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Inside Coda's weekly company health check

📈 Stats + 📖 Stories = 🤯 Insight
Stats ‘n’ Stories is a weekly meeting focused on sharing cross-cutting business updates in a fun and informative format. It’s an hour-long meeting open to everyone at Coda, where we collectively review business updates through metrics, case studies, and user feedback. It’s a way to look at the health of the business together.
The goal of the meeting isn’t to change current team priorities. Instead, it’s to share knowledge, directly through the customer’s voice or the voice of data, and articulate the company narrative about what’s working or falling short.
This is the doc we run the meeting with.
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📈 Stats: Voice of Data

In the first quarter of the hour-long meeting, rotating emcees from the data team share metrics on the company’s health. Rotating presenters share open topics in the following 15 minutes, from launch recaps to core feature updates or topical deep-dives.

📖 Stories: Voice of Customers

The second half of the meeting is spent telling Stories, typically presented by Account Executives, Customer Support Managers, or the Support team. These might include videos of customers interacting with Codans, snippets from threads in , trends in support tickets, or Enterprise customer’s feedback. Whenever possible, these are directly in the voice of the customer.

🤯 Insight: Making knowledge stick

Since the audience is the whole company, a fair amount of prep goes into the content to make it accessible and relevant for anyone. Some presenters copy and paste screenshots and bullets into the doc. Others have standalone docs they present that are lasting artifacts to be shared in other contexts. Every meeting topic has a strict time allotment, including both presentation and Q&A. Q&A is built-into the doc, so participants can ask in writing while presenters are talking. Everyone can vote on which questions to answer first. In the Q&A table's Answer column, presenters asynchronously address any questions they didn’t have time to answer live in the meeting. The doc has timers built-in for easy, transparent time management.

ℹ️ How to use this doc

Watch this 2-minute video specifically on how to use this template:
Copy this doc
to start running similar meetings at your company!

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