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Icebreaker [example]

Facilitator tip: Duplicate this section for each icebreaker you decide to do. See Icebreaker Ideas for ideas.
Time for an icebreaker! Select a personal photo that has an important meaning or represents an aspect of your personality that is important to you. Add that photos to the table below by clicking the + icon within the Photos column.
📱Pro tip: you can add a photo from your phone.
To add a photo from your phone, open this doc on your phone using the same URL or scan the QR code below.
Once you’re in the doc on your phone, navigate to the page and click the Add your photo button below.
Once everyone has added their photos, go through each photo one by one and shout out guesses of the photo owner. Then, click reveal and have the owner explain why the photo is important to them.

Add Your Photo
Clear example photos

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