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Vendor Scorecard for Inventory Management

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These are the terms that we use in the document.

Data Section

Received Items: number of items received in any given month by each Vendor
Damaged Items: number of items that had quality issues
Damaged Items (%): percentage of that had quality issues
Open NCR: number of Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) that are still waiting for an answer from the Vendor
On-Time Delivery: percentage of shipments that arrived on the expected date in the month
Shipping Notice: email that should be sent immediately after the shipment leaves the Vendor; this is a binary rating (Yes or No)
Qty Received Errors: quantity of items that were missing in any given shipment
Qty Received Errors (%): percentage of items that were missing in any given shipment
Packing Slip Info: this is the document that follows a shipment and has the information about the products, if the information is correct, the rating will be "Yes", if there is any missing information, the rating will be "No"
Returns: number of products returned from a customer due to poor quality

Ratings Section

Type: this is the type of the Quality Issue (defined on the section)
Value: the Value depends on the Type that it is related
Rating: numerical value between 0 and 5 for each Type of issue
Weight: percentage of each Type in the overall evaluation
Weighted Rating: result of the multiplication of Rating and Weight
Final Rating: sum of all Weighted Rating of each month

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