Leverage your team's superpowers to identify account strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
A SWOT ritual to leverage your superpowers.
Every account team has a unique set of experiences, skills, strengths, and assets. When combined, these ingredients form a superpower. The best account teams develop a sharp self-awareness of their own superpowers.
This quick ritual taps on different perspectives to ask how to:
Amplify an account’s strength?
Provide support for an account’s weakness?
Catalyze a big opportunity for the account?
Navigate a challenging threat to the account?
Impact: a stronger perspective on how to build customer value.
Each team member adds ideas around the company’s strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. Then, everyone upvote their favorites and discusses together as a group.
Ready to get started? Clear example data:
Clear example data
💭 Add a SWOT item:
Add a Strength
Add a Weakness
Add an Opportunity
Add a Threat
SWOT Brainstorm
Manufacturing capacity
Buck Dubois
Strong fundamentals
Mary Jones
First-mover advantage
Polly Rose
Current hiring strategy
Buck Dubois
Tech debt
Felix Marlin
Lack of sales playbook
Lawrence Fitzgerald
Aggressive paid marketing
Felix Marlin
Expand into new markets
Lawrence Fitzgerald
Win the simple use case
Mary Jones
Acquire adjacent technology
Adam Davis
New competitor offering same service
Joel Davis
Pending lawsuit
Polly Rose
Hostile takeover
Adam Davis
Discussion Notes
Write notes here. Focus your discussion on ideas that are inconsistent with the internal team’s priorities.